5 Minutes with Ali Neilan…

What inspired you to create Health is Wealth Group?

From a young age I had a fascination with mental health and neuro-degenerative disease. I studied Human Biology at University with a focus on neuroscience and after completing my dissertation in the use of vitamin D supplementation for the prevention of Parkinson’s Disease, I became interested in nutrition and naturopathy. 

After graduating, I studied at the college of naturopathic medicine. This is where I met Chloe. Although we come from different backgrounds and have opposing views on many things, we both strongly believed in the bodies innate ability to heal itself when given the right nutrition and environment. We also both felt a strong need to share this knowledge, and didn't feel seeing private clients 1 to 1 would be enough to satisfy this. When we graduated we also found we were losing certain clients because they either couldn't take the time off work or couldn't afford it. Nutrition appointments aren’t covered by insurance companies in the UK. 

All this culminated in 2016 with us setting up, Health is Wealth Group. It felt like the perfect solution as it has meant that we’ve not only been able to reach more people but also that the cost of our services would be covered (or at least subsidised) by the companies our clients work for. 


What does wellness mean to you?

Not just the absence of illness but feeling the best we can feel, I think most people don't realise how good they can feel. 

Balance, I don't believe in strict regimes and discipline if it makes you unhappy or obsessive.

How do you always start your day?

With a big glass of filtered water that I put by my bed the night before. Apart from that, it differs, I’m always mindful to listen to the needs of my body.  Some mornings I wake feeling tired and starving (and the kids are chaos), so i’ll have a piece of toast, some berries and a cup of tea as soon as I can! I try to at least use sourdough bread, organic butter and oat milk in my tea. Other mornings I wake feeling energised (relatively), and if the house is quiet, i’ll exercise and meditate. I try to do the latter 4 times a week. I find regular exercise to be key for my energy levels and mental health.


What do you find most businesses need and want from Health is Wealth Group? 

HR tend to want to improve office culture, and provide a service which makes their staff feel happier and valued. The employees themselves seem to want information, people are becoming more and more interested in nutrition, the attendance of our nutrition seminars is usually over subscribed. There is a lot of misinformation on the internet and people are confused but hungry (excuse the pun) for the right information and eager to make changes to their diet and lifestyle. 


Do you have any simple top tips to bring wellbeing into a very busy working day?

Hydration - most people are dehydrated and this has a massive impact on appetite, energy levels, concentration and skin. We advise you drink a litre of filtered water per every 20kg of body weight. It's also important not to drink while you're eating as it effects your digestion. 

Movement - we are not meant to be sedentary, we should be moving everyday, with bouts of intense exercise throughout the week. 

Increase your green vegetable intake - the benefits of green vegetables particularly cruciferous vegetables are endless. You can sneak 2/3 portions in first thing in the morning in a green juice or smoothie. 


What tech rules do you have (if any)? 

I don't think we know enough about the effects of Wi-Fi and electromagnetic frequency on our health, as such I think we could be more mindful of tech use. There are many studies connecting screen time with anxiety, depression and lack of empathy. I think we could focus more on trying to spend time in nature, as the benefits are hugely positive. I feel so strongly about this that I have sent my children to forest school, and I don’t allow any screens during the week. If only I had the same discipline for myself!


Favourite food tip you recommend for a busy day at work?

Balancing your blood sugar by eating a diet rich in fibre, protein and healthy fats - this prevents the afternoon dip and sustains energy levels and mood throughout the day.  


What do you find most challenging about feeling well at work?

Keeping a positive attitude. It's easy to quickly forget our achievements and how far we've come and focus on our failures. That is why I consider meditation, self-reflection and positive psychology to be so important. 

Favourite way to wind down at the weekend?

Time alone. Like many, my husband and I have hectic weeks and then look after 2 young children at the weekend, so we always try to give each other some time off on a Saturday or Sunday.

Sophie Greenwood