Understanding Purple Day: Shedding Light on Epilepsy and Seizures

Purple Day is an annual event on March 26th dedicated to raising awareness about epilepsy and supporting individuals affected by the condition. This post discusses the nature of epilepsy, emphasizing the diverse forms seizures can take in children. Highlighting the importance of recognizing and responding to seizures in children, offering essential steps for caregivers and bystanders. Finally, it underscores the significance of Purple Day in promoting awareness, understanding, and solidarity within the epilepsy community.

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Molly Chadwyck-Healey
Postural Alignment Therapy

Western society asks very little demand of our human bodies.

From the moment we are born, to the moment we die, life is made pretty easy for us. We pop to the shops to choose whatever food we want. We jump in the car for the short drive to work. We sat at a desk all day clicking a mouse. Everything is quick and convenient.

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Chloe Cunningham
Sleep Series: Melatonin, Does It Work?

We’ve recently seen a measured increase in the amount of Google searches related to buying melatonin tablets from the US to aid sleep in the UK. A search trend that looks set to rise even further as busy, more stressful modern living inevitably leads to sleep problems. Here we look at where it really works.

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Chloe Cunningham
5 Minutes with Chloe Cunningham...

Chloe Cunningham, health expert, Nutritionist and co-founder of Health is Wealth Group talks about what she has learnt so far in her career and how excited she is that nutrition and its value is finally beginning to be be recognised in the NHS beyond dietetics.

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Chloe Cunningham
5 Top Stress Relieving Tips

It is no secret that stress is a part of daily life. However, when that stress becomes excessive, otherwise known as chronic stress, it can have serious implications for our health and wellbeing. For those of you looking for more creative solutions beyond meditation and yoga, here are some unexpected and fun ways to relieve stress. 

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Chloe Cunningham
5 Minutes with Ali Neilan…

After co-founding Health is Wealth Group nearly 3 years ago, Ali Neilan continues to go from strength to strength with championing better practises for health for individuals in businesses throughout the UK. Read all about her top tips for starting the day, remaining positive and what she feels wellness truly means today. 

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Sophie Greenwood
Sustainable Foods for a Vegan Diet

It is rather fashionable to be vegan at the moment. Some people are on vegan diets primarily because they care about sustainability and the environment. However, not all vegan foods are as environmentally friendly as thought to be, thus it is important to identify which foods are.

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Chloe Cunningham
Food Intolerances

Food intolerances, or food sensitivities, come from an inappropriate response given by your immune system to a protein in a food causing difficultly digesting that food. They do not include issues such as lactose intolerance which is commonly mistaken.  

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Chloe Cunningham
Chromium: The Deficiency Series

We need it in very small amounts but Chromium is an essential part of metabolic processes that regulate blood sugar. It helps insulin transport glucose into cells where it can be used for energy, and is involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins as well. Here we look at how inadequate intake can have adverse health effects.

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Chloe Cunningham
Detoxes Demystified

Detoxification is a very misunderstood topic and often misinterpreted in the media. Detoxing your body doesn't have to mean long periods of abstinence from your favourite foods, giving up coffee or going t-total. Here we explore what you can easily remove to feel much clearer of everyday toxins that build.

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Chloe Cunningham