Pregnancy Multi Essentials Multivitamin

Pregnancy Multi Essentials Multivitamin
25 essential vitamins and minerals developed specifically for pre-conception, pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Take one tablet daily with meals, or as recommended by your healthcare practitioner.
1000 IU of vitamin D3 (dosage recommended by the Endocrine Society) in the preferred form - the same form as naturally produced by the body.
18mg Iron as iron bisglycinate which is a well-absorbed form of iron, and gentle on sensitive stomachs.
400mcg folic acid as body-ready folate. The Department of Health recommend daily supplementation of 400mcg folate for pregnant women to support tissue growth in the placenta and uterus.
290mcg iodine which is the recommended amount for pregnancy and breastfeeding.
25mg zinc to support fetility, reproductive health and plays a critcal role in foetal development.
250mcg vitamin A in the form of beta-carotene, a form perfectly safe to take during pregnancy, which supports healthy vision and skin.
Higher concentrations of vitamins B, C and D than other similar multivitamins.
Including high levels of nutrients in a one-a-day format has resulted in a larger tablet size than most other multivitamins.
Our Multi Essentials for Pregnancy has been formulated to provide a comprehensive, high strength multivitamin in a highly absorbable form. We use the active and preferred forms of nutrients to ensure efficacy. Provides support for fertility and reproductive health, energy production and immune support during pre-conception, pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Our pregnancy multivitamin is recommended by The Ribbon Box, in their article on key nutrients in the second trimester. They are a free and supportive community, offering expert advice and guidance on fertility, pregnancy, parenting and wellbeing.
We spent almost 10 years researching and developing how to make a broad spectrum multivitamin product which didn’t compromise on either the quality or quantity of individual ingredients. We refused to launch it until we were satisfied that it was the best in the market place, delivering each of the individual vitamins and minerals in the right amount and best form to make it the most efficacious product. They have been especially formulated for your convenience to mean that you only have to take one tablet per day to get the optimum therapeutic dose.
This unique formula has been specifically designed to contain a comprehensive range of vitamins and minerals that are not found in cheaper alternatives including choline, manganese and chromium which supports blood glucose levels.
Taking a high quality multivitamin helps to ensure you have an adequate nutrient status, which is particularly important during pre-conception, pregnancy and breastfeeding, as demands on the body for nutrients are higher. It can be difficult to say how long it may take to feel a difference as it will depend on the individual’s nutrient status, but it's important to ensure you are taking the correct level of nutrients recommended prior to conception and in pregnancy, such as 400mcg folate, for prevention of neural tube defects. Low iron levels can also be common in pregnancy, with accompanying fatigue, so you may notice an improvement in energy levels once you introduce Multi Essentials for Pregnancy, which contains 18mg iron as glycinate.
It’s important to recognise that multivitamins aren’t miracle tablets, but taking them consistently is key to ensuring a constant and adequate supply of nutrients to the body, particularly if your diet is not as well-balanced as it could be, to help optimise your health and wellbeing.